Ohio Northern University

Ohio Northern University

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Monday, January 18, 2016

Week 1 Reading

The first thing that I learned is how social media can attack companies and people in harmful ways. On page four of our reading, famous guitarist Dave Carroll had his guitar smashed on a United Airway airplane. He made a song that wrongfully attacked the airlines. The airline got back at them making a video that was about how to pack your guitar. Carroll became a youtube success every day gaining one million views weekly and finished with 8 million on his video of his song. This success gained him tons of publicity from huge television and internet companies such as TMZ, CNN, and others. I have also found out that "Real-Time Marketing and PR Power Law" is basically the law has the power to govern breaking news in real time environment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Corey,

    It's crazy how successful Youtube can make some people. And you're right, it's also crazy how negatively it could effect companies. I think this is a good thing, since it makes companies somewhat responsible for their customer service now that customers have the power in social media.
